CD Shorts

CD Shorts

Wild BeastsSmother(Domino) Not since Morrissey has a singer been able to deliver bon mots like “I would lie anywhere with you/ any old bed of nails would do” as convincingly as the Beasts’ Hayden Thorpe. However, using his operatic croon to sing such...

Riding the Crimson Wave

Great sex is peppered with a lot of punctuation—slow, seductive “dot, dot, dots,” hyphens for sexual meldings like “girl-on-girl” or “penis-to-booty” and, hopefully, lots of exclamation points!!! But the punctuation mark many...
CinemaDope: The Full Monty

CinemaDope: The Full Monty

We Americans are proud of our revolutionary birth. To celebrate, we shoot off fireworks and parade through the streets; we let infants hold sparklers and we grill enough meat to strike panic in the hearts of cardiologists. Car prices are slashed, banks are closed,...
Food: Give Me No Lip

Food: Give Me No Lip

My brother has a pint glass that I covet. On the rare occasions that he lets me drink from it, I swear the beer tastes better. It’s the general shape of an ordinary pint glass, but its profile is somewhere between the straight-sided American glass and the...
The Madama Mystique

The Madama Mystique

Meet the Madama, in her multiple manifestations. “Madamas: Women, Madonnas, and Mothers” looks at images of Black women in Caribbean art, as shown in paintings, batiks, dolls and photographs. The figure of the Madama, says exhibition curator Waleska...