Last night, I was trying to think about what to write on my blog beyond the very nothing-ness that seems to be our quiet little mama plus three-and-a-half year-old gal time. It’s really been stuff like a swim club trip with friends, a morning hanging with an out-of-town friend in our jammies, and walking to town, girl with stroller, mama with backup stroller.

Once we got caught in the big rainstorm. Fortunately, we’d run into friends and got a ride home. Truly, that’s how it’s been going.

Well, and there’s been some yoga (for me). Yesterday, Saskia hung with her grandma. I got a fantastic massage. This part’s important: I got a fantastic massage down the street from my house.

Also, I continue to push on the declutter-the-house front.

I’m not sure it makes for scintillating blog reading.

This morning, it dawned on me: this is what our vacation looks like.


Anyway, we’ve been doing some vacation reading. I haven’t gotten as far on my book as we’ve gotten on Saskia’s piles. Saskia and I are completely enamored with David Shannon’s Duck on a Bike.

I will say that I’m enjoying In Spite of Everything and that I have a copy to give away. Let’s say it’s about marriage falling apart and the aftermath. If that’s of interest to you—smart, even sharp—leave a comment. I will put the winner of the Pie Contest in a Box in comments, too. And I received another Pie Contest in a Box a winner of the Tuesday Market Pie Contest, so bake your way to another chance at winning.


I haven’t done a lot of work. I have been thinking about teenagers (mine and others) and I’ve been mulling a revision that I need to do this week. Maybe before this quiet week’s out I’ll even have something interesting to say.