ImperiumWatch: Water or Power

Behind one news story after another is the intensifying conflict between our need for water and our need for energy. Spot-on information and commentary about this elemental clash comes from Alec Prud’homme’s The Ripple Effect, a book that manages to...

Between the Lines: Let Them Eat Megabytes

Remember social equality? Of course you don’t. Back when America was still under the sway of the New Deal, few questioned that it was a good thing for our civilization to strive to provide citizens with roughly equal access to social goods such as a decent...

Letters: What Do You Think?

Bravo for Beavers What a great article [“The Flood Control Squad,” August 25, 2011]! And perfect timing, as beavers are being discussed as an excellent tool for salmonid recovery! Just last week Brock Dolman [director of the Occidental Arts and Ecology...
Father Figure

Father Figure

While the headlines earlier this summer about Boston Globe journalist Sally Jacobs’s new book, The Other Barack: The Bold and Reckless Life of President Obama’s Father, focused on the startling revelation that the president’s parents might have...

On Labor Day

The number of people who are unemployed in America is almost equal to the number of people who belong to a labor union. Both groups are being blamed for the faults in our economy. Don’t have a job? Are you one of the 40 percent of jobless Americans who are...