StageStruck: The Standing O

StageStruck: The Standing O

The play has just ended. It was good—talented actors in a convincing production of an engaging script. It wasn’t the most hilarious, moving, stimulating or groundbreaking show you’ve seen this year, but it was solid and enjoyable, and you’re...

Letters: What Do You Think?

Amending Rall Among other things, Ted Rall rails against “‘Made in USA’ labels on missiles shot into the Gaza strip from U.S.-made helicopter gunships sold to Israel” [“9/11: What We Didn’t Learn,” September 8, 2011]. A...

Worldwide Rally for Climate Change

September 24 will see a climate carnival in Accra, Ghana; a bicycle rally in Milan; a faux rugby game in Wellington, New Zealand with renewables versus fossil fuels; an alternative energy “Show and Tell” event in Albuquerque; a plastics-free design contest...

ImperiumWatch: Testing the Foundations

As floods tore apart roads and loosened the foundations of houses in Vermont last week—as people saw their personal property and businesses wash away in muddy waves—Republicans’ determination to hold hurricane victims hostage to their insistence on...