A Sky Full of Dark Stuff

When you look at the stars, you probably know what you’re seeing, or at least you think so. If your sky-gazing needs a bit of extra mystery, nature seems to have provided it: Oct 18, 2011: NASA’s Fermi team recently released the second catalog of gamma-ray...

Remembrance of things past

I’ve been disappointed by my tomato harvest this year. Initially I wanted to react as the two boarders do: sit down in the middle of the floor and cry or scream until someone makes me go to my room for awhile. The boss got tired of this behavior, so I have...

Wedding Anniversary

When I think back on this morning eighteen years ago, it really does seem a lifetime ago. Just a couple of weeks shy of three years in (relationship, love, living together—all more or less an instant deal) we were not strangers or anything. Still, our sense of...