Art in Paradise: Getting the Blues

Blues is an oft-mangled genre. Like the Mississippi Delta that spawned it, it’s clearly an obstinate survivor: it’s carried on through long decades of onslaughts from outsiders. The blues is music of poor African-Americans, the emotion-fuelled outpouring...

Autumn Sextrology

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Libra in the baby carriage. It’s no surprise that this easy-going autumnal sign likes to follow tradition. Libra (Sept. 23rd—Oct. 23rd) is a homebody devoted to creating the perfect domestic atmosphere for...
CinemaDope: A Secret History

CinemaDope: A Secret History

One of the most amazing things about the recent Occupy Wall Street protests (including the vast number of impromptu solidarity protests that have sprung up around the country) has been the widespread attitude of acceptance among civic leaders. It may not be...
Drink: Pursued by the Mad Monk

Drink: Pursued by the Mad Monk

Stout was my first love among beers. One winter’s night a quarter of a century ago, a friend offered me a pint of Guinness in a Vermont pub, and in a matter of hours, I went from teetotaler—mostly— to talented tippler. The jet-black Irish...
A New Kind of Down East

A New Kind of Down East

The transition between the main road and Corwin Ericson’s Wendell manse is a voyage within a voyage. Wendell has long managed the trick of feeling like the farthest point from any other in the Valley, so travelling beyond its main drag already feels like...