With each bit of reclaiming order from chaos, there seems to be some fallout detritus. Yesterday, unpacking a wonderful bunch of hand-me-downs there were about seven socks, none of which matches and six glittery shoes: two silver, two red, one black, one purple.
Next task is wading through the drawers for the outgrown clothing, in order to enable new wintry clothes to fit in the drawers.
Can I get more profound than that? This morning, possibly not—but there’s a larger message here: children keep growing. Parents keep chasing after their growth. The house never feels in order. I think that’s three bits of wisdom on a Sunday. Top that, blogosphere.
Oh, and my ever-growing girl is drawing a bunch these days.
Lastly, it’s that time of year when the Valley Advocate brings out its “Best Of” poll. You have to vote in at least ten categories. That’s easy enough for opinionated locals and not so easy for Shadows’ readers from afar. I don’t like “bests” that let you vote early and often. This isn’t like that: one person, one vote. Or, at least it’s one email address, one vote. So, if you are so willing, please vote for me.
I am providing a list of favorites of mine you might consider, even if you’re an out-of-towner:
Best Local Museum—The Eric Carle Museum
Best Local Event—Hot Chocolate Run for Safe Passage
Best Tourist Spot (Valley)—The Eric Carle Museum
Best Tourist Spot (Berkshires)—Hancock Shaker Village
Best Farmers’ Market—Tuesday Market
Best Computer Store—Yes
Best Health/Fitness Club—Hampshire Regional Y
Best Midwifery Center—Midwifery Center at Cooley Dickinson Hospital
Best Four-Year College—Hampshire College (careful, they’ll auto you at the Y, those sneaky auto-types)
BEST LOCAL BLOG! (At last)—Standing in the Shadows
Best Local Radio Personality—Ella Childs (she’s co-host of Spare the Rock, Spoil the Child—and she’s the smartest 12 year-old you’ll come across, funny too)
Thank you!