All this talk of SOPA/PIPA got me thinking. I’m announcing SOPA/PILLA, requiring every household to stock supplies for at least five days’ worth of delicious sopapillas*. They taste divine, if a tad heavy, and don’t impede your rights.
*I’ve come to realize, if only lately, that sopapillas are apparently only eaten (in the U.S.) in Texas and New Mexico (and maybe Arizona and California?). So if you need a primer, visit here or better yet, here.
And it’s also important to know that Texas boasts a chain called Pancho’s that serves less-than-ideal Mexican food. The best feature of any Pancho’s visit is the ability to raise small Mexican flags at your table to bring a waiter over so you can order more food (it’s all you can eat of oil-soaked spicy goodness). Many is the flag I have raised for another basket of delicious sopapillas to puncture with a squeeze bottle and fill with honey. I think all Americans should enjoy this right.