Ok, so the past few months have seen an outbreak of Valley White Rapper Syndrome (VWRS). It’s up to us as discriminating listeners to determine who wins this battle for the soul of the Valley white rap scene, a cornerstone of local music, a highly prized institution in this area with a legacy that spans ten minutes.
So, in this corner, we have Dr. Westchesterson.
It’s really kind of a cutesy tribute to The Valley. Innocuous. It’s kind of charming, kind of funny. Nice shout out to the region. Me? I say hats off to you, doctor.
In THAT corner, we have Paul Markham.
This is every negative stereotype of Amherst, wrapped up in one slickly-produced video. Really, I hope the poor kid has time to reflect upon his mistakes when “employers” google him and find this. How many people go into a job interview with this on the web? Most of my friends are scared of facebook pictures that show them indulging in college parties with ambiguous plastic cups and sloppy grins on their faces.
My vote goes to the Doctor, although I doubt his medical credentials.