Our Boobs, Ourselves

I’m still waiting for my boobs. At fourteen, my female classmates were starting to bounce around the lacrosse field, and I was in my room with my breast—I mean best—friend, agonizing over a copy of Our Bodies, Ourselves. (For those of you born...
CinemaDope: Encore

CinemaDope: Encore

It’s been just over a month since Northampton’s iconic Pleasant Street Theater closed its doors. I’ve gone on record already with my take on the whole affair—it was a foregone conclusion, always a matter of “when” and never, ever,...
Art in Paradise: Scoundrels Afloat

Art in Paradise: Scoundrels Afloat

The name Herman Melville is all but synonymous with his masterwork, Moby Dick, that sprawling tale of a mad captain and his all-consuming pursuit of a white whale. And the undisputed master of 19th-century tales of the Mississippi is Mark Twain. Look past...