Beyond ?Because It?s There?

Beyond ?Because It?s There?

“Because it’s there” has been the accepted motivation behind all manner of exploits, by all manner of outdoor adventurers, ever since George Mallory offered it decades ago as an explanation for why he wanted to climb Mt. Everest. It’s somewhat...
Cinemadope: Eat and Greet

Cinemadope: Eat and Greet

Spend some time in the Valley—12 to 15 minutes ought to do it—and you’ll come to realize that there are a few things of which we’re awfully proud. One of those is our area’s long, rich tradition of farming, and the modern-day ideas that...
Bread, Reimagined

Bread, Reimagined

If somebody offered you a nice pile of birdseed and nuts with a Metamucil chaser, you probably wouldn’t expect the phrase “life changing” to come up. Like a lot of things, though, those very same ingredients, if put together the right way, equal...
Of Peacocks and Patronage

Of Peacocks and Patronage

As the cello music stops, I crane my neck forward and lean in toward the toppled-over shelves, straining to hear the words being whispered by the broken vase. “An artist’s career,” the ceramic seems to say, “always begins tomorrow.” Next...
Open the Door and Come On In

Open the Door and Come On In

Daguerreotype or digital file, double-angle stereopticon or straight-shot selfie, documentary evidence in unaltered black and white or PhotoShopped fantasy in full spectrum color—a photograph can be many different things. For Anne Whiston Spirn, a photograph can...