Not on My Land

Not on My Land

Jim Cutler lives in the hilltown of Ashfield, known as the “Little Switzerland” of New England for its mountain views, and runs a small solar-thermal heating company. To Cutler, the 36 acres on which he settled three years ago are the pot of gold: just the...
Real Talk

Real Talk

After a busy morning in his office at the Springfield chapter of the NAACP, a haircut and a quick lunch with his 19-year-old son, Rev. Talbert Swan II walks down Hampden Street in Springfield, headed for the broadcast studio of WGBY, the local PBS station. There, Swan...
CD Shorts: Jack White

CD Shorts: Jack White

Lazaretto (Third Man) Jack White’s music runs a weird gamut, from Led Zeppelin-esque rock to a heavy-hitting brand of Motown and low-key acoustic Americana. There are threads that surface regularly, and they’re highly successful. One is a big, overdriven...
Nightcrawler: A Taste of Budding Talent

Nightcrawler: A Taste of Budding Talent

It may be the Taste of Amherst, but when it comes to the concert series that coincides with the annual event on the town green, attendees can partake of a sonic sampler that features acts from the region over. The Taste kicks off this Thursday, June 19, with a dash of...
Cinemadope: Don We Now

Cinemadope: Don We Now

Theaters running the occasional old classic is nothing new. Indeed, many make a habit of it—an annual screening of Casablanca or The Wizard of Oz is an almost sure-fire way to pad the bottom line. But most often these chestnuts are used to fill the...