CD Shorts: Overhang Party

Complete Studio Recordings (Important) Four discs of avant rock from a little-known Japanese band may sound like an exercise in esoterica, but the complete studio recordings of Overhang Party are a revelation. The collection showcases the group’s command of a...
Mutton and Mead

Mutton and Mead

With the Game of Thrones season winding to its conclusion, the need for a medieval fix could get much harder to meet. Best to stock up on swords, merry men, ladies in waiting, mead and chainmail this weekend at the annual Mutton and Mead Festival. Before the fest, you...
Cinemadope: Dahl?s House

Cinemadope: Dahl?s House

For generations, children everywhere—and the adults who read to them—have been lucky to have the worlds of Roald Dahl to spark, mix and mingle with their own imaginations. The author, whose darker stories find echoes today in the work of writers like...
Going Galactic

Going Galactic

Easthampton’s Apollo Grill, long piloted by chef Casey Douglass, is a wonder of space-age decor, an expansive space in the old mill building Eastworks. Put with the inviting space an inventive and tasty menu, and you have one of the clear successes of...