Cinemadope: Kane, Able

Cinemadope: Kane, Able

There was a time, I’m sure, when using Citizen Kane as a benchmark—when one could say with some seriousness, for instance, that Cabaret was the Citizen Kane of musicals—still meant something. That time is now past. The sprinkling of Kane comparisons...
Road Food

Road Food

It’s shaping up to be a beautiful Saturday morning as I pull into the parking lot at Muffin’s General Market in Whately to find a party going on. Outside the market, the proprietor—yes, Muffin, or Diane Korza, if you want to get formal about...
Technicolor and Chalk

Technicolor and Chalk

Loaded handguns figure in both of the shows now playing at Barrington Stage Company, but that’s about the only common factor in the two productions, which together exemplify the breadth of fare available on summer theater stages. Kiss Me, Kate (pictured) is a...