There are oh so many things in the world (and just my little life) to preoccupy and worry me. You read the news. You know. You have your little life. You know.

But today, Only in Northampton, the Facebook page I began on a whim—maybe even a dare—turns one.

There’s a giveaway on the page. (Go see).

Happy birthday Only in Northampton! (Feel free to eat cake).

card available at Essentials

The thing to say about an idea that began with my then-ten-year-old’s observation that “only in Northampton do you give directions to the weaving conference’s loading dock to a wool seller” is really pretty simple: we love where we live. We are, at times, amused and/or charmed by where we live. Sometimes, like the beginning of this little musing, there are things in the small city where we live that sadden us or annoy us or worry us. That’s just like the rest of life.

For today, I’ll groove on the love, because it’s the icing on top, but it’s also, finally, the cake.