Coakley Malaise?

Regarding Amanda Drane’s story “Berwick-Stricken (Sept. 18): Yes, I was also “struck” by Berwick. His authentic, passionate speech at the Democratic Convention was thrilling to experience. I want to be struck by our candidate Coakley, but without some real face time in Western Mass., the Democratic base response here will be lukewarm at best. Along with Coakley’s campaign of benign negligence to the rural parts of the state, mid-term voter malaise may mean all the difference between a GOP or Democratic administration for the Commonwealth.

Money Talks

According to Sen. Mitch McConnell from Kentucky, the worst day in American history was not the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Towers and Pentagon, or even the Pearl Harbor attack in 1941. The worst day was when the McCain/Feingold bill was passed, limiting the amount of money that could be spent to influence elections. He should be happy that the Citizens United and McCutcheon Supreme Court decisions have erased the previous law and now anyone can spend as much as he/she likes to win an election. In fact, the Koch brothers, Sheldon Adelson (casino billionaire) and even Donald Trump have held interviews with candidates to decide who best represents the super rich and who they will put in office. What happened to the democratic process?

The idea is that money is speech. Money talks, but if you don’t have any, you’re mute. Only the rich may speak as loudly and as often as they like. There is no obligation for their TV ads to be truthful or their position to be in the best interest of our country. Their positions are in the best interest of their bottom lines. For example, the Koch brothers have spent millions to get an extra tax on people who install photovoltaics, because it cuts into their profits on oil, gas and coal. Never mind that solar energy might save us from global warming. There is some $20 trillion worth of oil, gas and coal still in the ground. By the time it is all extracted and burned it will be too late to save human existence on this planet. We need to work for a Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United. It also wouldn’t hurt to dump the likes of Mitch McConnell.


Of Animals, Allergies and Asthma

As a doctor, I take issue with a new study making the rounds that suggests that infants who sleep on fur blankets are less likely to develop allergies and asthma.

We have known for some time that infants who grow up in homes with cats and dogs tend to have lower allergy and asthma rates. Exposure to the microbes in animals’ fur appears to strengthen these children’s immune systems. But there is absolutely no reason to support the cruel fur industry, which electrocutes, suffocates, or drowns animals in order to tear the fur off their bodies.

Anyone who has the time, patience, and resources to care for an animal can adopt a homeless dog or cat from the local animal shelter and enjoy the many benefits—including unconditional love and a possible health boost—that come from opening your home to an animal companion. Not only will you save a life, you and your children will make a best friend for life.