The Beholder

Photojournalist Diana Mara Henry covered four decades of political, social, and cultural change in America. She captured iconic moments at the Democratic conventions of 1972 and 1976. She was selected as official photographer for both the National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year and the First National Women’s Conference in 1977. She shot the fashion scene in New York, personal assignments for the family of Malcolm Forbes, political demonstrations, cultural events, photo essays on one-room schoolhouses in Vermont and Ulster Country, NY, and everyday life in Brooklyn, France, Nepal, and Bali. The breadth of her work is astounding, and it’s on now display at UMass Amherst’s W.E.B. Du Bois Library.

 Through The Photographer’s Eyes — The Diana Mara Henry Collection: Through Jan. 13, 2017. Free. W.E.B. Du Bois Library, on the Lower Level and in Special Collections and University Archives, on floor 25, 154 Hicks Way, UMass Amherst. (413) 545-2784, 

— Hunter Styles