The Missed Connections forum on Craigslist is a wasteland of terrible poetry, dick pics, and whining, but among the detritus are some truly fascinating, funny, and occasionally sweet entries. The following are highlights from the Western Mass Missed Connections forum, sans detritus.
Westfield Walmart – m4w (Westfield)
I was behind you in line today talking with your beautiful baby with the blue eyes. You young thing ginger I believe. Your left leg is unique. If you see this please respond. Aug. 14, 2017
H at Crossdress Singles — t4t (Westfield)
We are checking each other out …Outside sex seems wonderful. Picnic tables are nice.Scenic overlooks are better. We could role play, Tarzan/Jane. Kellyjand ….. Aug. 20, 201
Woman who bought me peanut butter cups at Whole Foods — m4w (Whole Foods Market)
Never done this before but a friend suggested it … I rang you out today at express explaining I was exhausted. You had some tattoos, short brown hair tied in a pony tail, and I’m pretty bad describing people lol. You were very patient with me and blew my mind buying me peanut butter cups out of no where because you were understanding how tired I was! Never has that happened before which I am truly thankful for and sweet of you! I’m sure I will see you again while working but If you know who you are, message me back so I can formally thank you again Aug. 20, 2017
You crashed your car today :'( — m4w
I asked if you got hit coming down the off-ramp and you said you were only 2 min from home. You told me you live on a street that begins with a G. I only got to talk to you for a minute, but I thought you were good looking 😉 I Hope you car situation works out for you. message me Aug. 20, 2017
Driving around Springfield — m4m (Springfield)
This happened sometime ago. I was the wee hours, maybe 3:00 AM or so. We happened to wait for a green light, side by side on Main St. We checked each other out and when the light changed you turned into a side street. I followed and saw you had stopped just a bit into the street. I parked behind you and walked up to your car. You were sitting in it, calmly polishing off a joint. I said something about it being a boring night for me and you said if I got you a bit to smoke you would make sure my night would not be boring. You were sexy as hell dude. Dark-skinned, skinny, late 20’s or early 30’s … I’m so stupid, I got cold feet. Any chance we could meet again? Aug. 19, 2017
GB pack n Ship — m4w (Great Barrington)
Wow! How do I even put into words my thoughts on meeting you…. Was in line behind you today in Great Barrington Pack n Ship around 12:30. We talked about kids, camp, Jacobs pillow. Let’s continue the conversation… God i hope you see this. Tell me where your kids are in camp, what you were mailing them (so I know its really you). I’d really love to talk again. Aug. 15, 2017
Hilton — m4w (Holyoke)
Brunette with long wavy hair, you were wearing a black dress and light blue sweater. I’d love to share a smoke, you’re just lovely. Aug. 14, 2017
just now, tonight, you saved my dog! — w4m (Hadley)
i have never thought to do this before but i feel terrible that i didn’t even think to ask your name, i was so frazzled. i was running down the street trying to catch my dog that had gotten off his leash, and you pulled over and got him.
also, to the dude with the fanny pack who was walking down the street and DIDN’T stop even when i was screaming for him to help me bc my dog was literally right in front of you: you’re an asshole and i hate you.
but anyway — to the guy who did stop, THANK YOU! if by some wild chance you happen to see this, email me with the color of your car and what kind of dog i had so i know it’s you. i owe you a beverage!
(this is in no way sexual, i really just want to say thank you properly and get your name at least, maybe we could be friends!) Aug. 14, 2017
Married 4 married — m4w
Looking for the woman I connected w/ a few days ago. She’s a healer during the day and master of the universe on the road in her big ballsy truck. Tell me who I look like and I’ll return the favor. Only one can crack this vague and cryptic message. Aug. 14, 2017
lIIllI (skeletons like u)
Just a suggestion, living here a while, seeing the wanderers, the desperate, the cocky, the affluent homeless downtown. Don’t get caught up in the charm of the street dudes. Aug 12, 2017
A. at River Valley — m4w (Northampton)
You helped me at the co-op with breath spray for my friend. The old lady was jonsin to talk to you so we didnt have time to chat. — A. Aug. 11, 2017
Deal and Steals — w4w (Pleasant St)
August 10, 2017 about 11pm. Apologies to the lady who was taking selfies in front of Deals and Steals. I don’t know what came over me. You were right, I was demanding and ridiculous. Aug. 10, 2017
Delicate Flower — m4w (Adams)
You were standing next to me at solid sound festival and we were both there to see kurt vile and the violators and television. Lets play some music together soon Aug. 10, 2017
Trouble, my regular… — w4m (Hadley)
You’re one of my regular customers, and you’re by far my favorite. You come in almost every day. I’ve dubbed you Trouble, and I’m pretty sure that only one of my employees knows your actual name besides me. It’s been over four years of jokes, flirting, and you bringing me candy. I’m tired of waiting for you to take another step. I won’t say no if you ask… Aug. 10, 2017