Manny’s TV & Appliances

Best Local appliance store

41 Russell St.,
Hadley, MA
And various locations

Best Local appliance store - Manny's TV & Appliances

“We have to be better; we live here.” Everyone in the Pioneer Valley knows Manny’s motto, and Monty Newman, manager at Manny’s Hadley store, thinks that’s the secret to Manny’s success. “It’s true,” he says. “If something goes wrong with your appliance, we can take care of it.” In business for over 40 years, Manny’s is still going strong and Newman, an 18-year employee, says there is no dearth of repeat customers. “A lot of the employees here have been here for a really long time and our customers know us.”

2nd Place

Besko Appliance

3rd Place

Salemi Appliance