Bacon Wilson Attorneys at Law
Best Law firm

“The firm is almost 125 years old and we pride ourselves in doing good deeds for the community as well as hiring the smartest people we can hire,” says Bacon Wilson Vice President Michael Katz. All Bacon Wilson lawyers are encouraged to take a leadership role in a local charity. “We want you to be a part of the community to give back to the community,” he says. When Katz joined the firm 45 years ago, there were four lawyers. Now the firm has grown to 45 lawyers in five offices, he says. Katz says the firm tries to hire lawyers early in their careers and mentor them to become highly qualified and skilled lawyers. “We have a lot of lawyers who have been with the firm for many years,” he says. “Most firms people tend to stay two or three years and leave. We offer good benefits and mentoring, and a really great place to work and live.”