A2Z Science and Learning Store
Best Local children’s toy store

For 32 years, downtown Northampton has been home to the A2Z Science and Learning Store, a massive toy store with 20 categories of toys and plenty of chances for learning play. For Andre and Devon Boulay, it’s a community-minded labor of love. A2Z is especially proud of their yo-yo school. Free to attend, the school has lessons on basic yo-yo-ing and learning tricks. Classes run from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. Yo-yo players can compete in the area three to four times per year against kids from all over the country. A2Z has more in store than just yo-yos. They sell robotic kits and building toys to capture the imagination of young engineers. There are minerals and fossils for budding geologists, games, books, and gifts. As their slogan says, it’s “the store with a lot of neat stuff!”