From its humble beginnings in a nightclub on New York's Upper West Side to its current reign as the city's longest-running musical comedy revue, Forbidden Broadway has left audiences rolling in the aisles since 1982. The production of the Tony Award-winning show is constantly evolving, and several editions later it's still giving Broadway both barrels with its clever mix of sarcasm and musical parody; as long as there are new Broadway shows to prey on, Forbidden Broadway will be watching, sharpening its fork and knife. From poor orphan Annie to the Phantom of the Opera, no show is safe and no star is spared from the production's barbs of satirical wit and musical mockery.

June 6, 8 p.m., $30-40, The Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center, 14 Castle St., Great Barrington, (413) 528-0100,