In this video, Clinton is not only artfully self-depricating and astutely observant of a double-standard (if a Republican is ribald, it's a kind of old-boys-club, fraternity thing; when a Democrat does it, he's a scoundrel (which is kind of true in this case, I know)), but he seems, momentarily, genuinely upset and offended. Then he ruins it by telling a stupid joke about dogs and worms. Now that Poppy Bush has about as much chance getting his still eligible, genius (ahem, cross-eyed) son into the White House as he would successfully campaigning to have the bust of his other loin-fruit printed on the three dollar bill, it seems that he's decided to throw restraint to the wind and show us just exactly the place Dubya got his knack for sensitive and thoughful public speaking.
Nothing kills a Republican's mood like an ugly feminist.