Implying that by getting that abortion you're cheating yourself out of having potentially powerful and/or successful offspring is manipulative at best.
This is an ad put together by the anti-abortion group CatholicVote in which they exploit the president and his late mother, Ann Dunham.
Update: President Obama has signed an executive order putting an end to the ban on federal funds for international groups that perform abortions or provide information on abortions. He did it behind our backs, but he did it nonetheless. Suck on that, CatholicVote.
Update: Archbishop Rino Fisichella said this: "What is important is to know how to listen, without locking oneself into ideological visions with the arrogance of a person who, having the power, thinks they can decide on life and death. If this is one of the first acts of President Obama, then with all due respect it seems to me that we are heading toward disappointment even more quickly than we thought." Pot, meet kettle. Now please get home safe and sound to your homogeneously populated, landlocked nation-state that isn't at all based on ideological visions and certainly doesn't have a history of making decisions based on a moral code that its followers believe will affect them in life and death. Not one bit.