In a country in which Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin are increasingly powerful people, in a week in which a redneck preacher with less than a hundred parishoners held the world hostage (and made not only his name but I presume some big dollars as well), I give you some lighthearted tidbits for your reading and viewing pleasure:

The Republican candidate for gov in VT is apparently named Dubie, which makes me think, especially around Burlington, he might get a few votes a GOP-er might not normally get. Yuk yuk.

Here is a very strange and well-beyond suggestive (flagrantive?) ad gracing the televisions of our great and free land full of freedoms that Muslims want to take away from us. I don’t particularly like the ad, find it oddly sexual but not sexy, but its weirdness makes me watch it again and scratch my head. One question: does it sell the product? Would anything sell this product?

And here, below is a dance tutorial video, it’s not suggestive, not funny, not political, I just really enjoyed it, in a kind of melancholy way. I used to dance. Why do we stop dancing?