As a proud representative of those of us who earn a chunk of our income from tips, I'd like to stand up and, as Marshall Mathers once put it so well, "put one of those fingers on each hand up" to Taco Bell, for this ad. Am I being too sensitive, here? I don't think so. Waitrons, bartenders, and so many others, make well below minimum wage and live on their tips. Giving cheapskate patrons another excuse to stiff them (us) is just lame.
Many readers are familiar with the MAID Mantheon andCharles Barkley's hallowed membership in it (for quotes such as this: “I got a ton of gay friends and I played with gay guys. I played with two or three gay guys; that’s their business and I could care less.”). HisDUI arrest while he was cruising the streets for a late night blow job last week has certainly put his status here in jeopardy. (Here and here and are other bits Dan and I have written about "Sir" Charles), and here's a new commercialthat's pretty funny. I knowI should "Chuck" him (get it?!) but somehow I hesitate.