What’s interesting/invigorating to me about this clip is differences in what I expected to be radical differences in perception of it. I (and a vast majority of others I’ve found when googling) see Barney Frank more than holding his own, taking Bill O to task for his rants, his idiocy, his homophobia (note his repeated references to Frank as a "coward" and being "not man enough") whereas ony a handful of other Americans, voters, I could find online thought O’Reilly put the little queer in his place. Homophobia seems to hide its ugly head much more every year.

Speaking of which, and continuing on the sunny side, the brightest note I saw for America in the debate is how far the gay rights battle has shifted. Less than a decade a go, no vice- presidential candidate would proudly proclaim support of same-sex partner benefits, and, as much as Sarah Palin’s language of "toleration" is loaded, coded, etc., she still spoke in favor of respect of said "choices." I do call that progress, moving the center line in this one arena, to the left, while almost everywhere else in society and politics, it’s moved right right right.That is, the baseline for all politicians now is that gay people must be at least "accepted "to a much much greater degree than ever before.

While I do still fear the ignorant voter, things certainly are looking up. Could VA and MO really help elect a black man? It’s starting to look like it. If so, my heart will indeed be warmed.

I gotta get in my new (used) Saab and haul my elitist Jew ass up to NH!!!

Oh, and, on that note: one more bit. Speaking of Jews(this time of the Hollywood varietal)schlepping for Barack, here’s this from estimable Sarah Silverman.