pleasure a: sensual gratification b: frivoulous amusement and a source of delight or joy.
Oh My a Sensuality Shop has been hidden away in this happy little valley for about 6 years. It has been our pleasure to offer our friends neighbors acquaintances and total strangers the opportunity to take a bit of sensual delight home with them and perhaps share it with others. I personally love the concept of pleasure over orgasms. Everyone who works at Oh My loves what they do. We absolutely want to change the world by telling everyone that its really difficult to be mean or hurtful when one is in the throes of pleasure.
We love sex toys , lubes , naughty bits like restraints masks , light floggers and of course vibrating cock rings and we must not forget butt plugs.
Lately when I go to speak at one of the colleges I begin by talking about pleasure versus orgasm. I personally feel that all of us are under a ton of pressure to perform and have orgasms. Not just one will do any more. Women are under the gun to have hundreds of orgasms and it is up to their partner to ensure that it happens.I say whoa!
Now its time to get into the area of self pleasure. If you don't know what brings you pleasure, what rings your chimes, rocks your boat then how will any one else know. I believe that it is my responsibilty to have the best sex ever…I haven't got the patience to leave up to some one else to make that happen. I do however have the time to share that information with the person who is sharing my bed. When we get into this area now we are talking about self pleasure.. And this is where the real pleasure work begins. You have to know your sensual body yep all those little dirty parts that you wern't supposed to touch or talk about are now available to be explored in the open.
Get a mirror women so you can see what your yoni, pussy, whohoo looks like. See if you can make a drawing of it. Look at your butt the brown eye, get on friendly terms with it. These areas of your body should be as familiar as any mark on your face. These are pleasure islands, this is where the pleasure network resides. Explore and discover where the to mark the X for the buried pleasure map.You will not be disappointed. It is at this time you might want to read erotica, watch porn buy a vibrator and some lube.