One of the unfortunate events that took place this weekend was a toilet overflow (and not the first). Rather than delve into the mucky details (our house and sewage issues are not on friendly terms at present), I’ll just get to the upshot: we are getting a new and more reliable toilet. And since there’s a toilet water running issue in another toilet (this one in the decades’ old before water consumption was a conscious concern), we’re going for the twofer.

As my mama would say, “It’s always something Roseanne Roseannadanna.”

We had the dishwasher repaired just last week.


The upside of working at home is that I can be on hand when dishwashers and toilets leak (likely, I am around for such… events). The downside is that I can become preoccupied by leaks or the fact that I have four baskets heaped with laundry to put away. At the same time, I can forget to jot down that the second grade is celebrating Earth Day with a potluck (bring something with at least one local ingredient) and the item the second grader requested of his mama was a loaf of apple bread (local=apples). Of course it so happened that I had a dinner meeting out.

So, at later-than-I-planned o’clock, I was making apple bread (local eggs, too, and pretty local flour).


In the morning, first question from my second grader was, “Did you make apple bread?”

When I nodded yes, he smiled, broadly. File under: work/life balance.