Today is a weird day for me: I don’t have cable, so I don’t usually see shows as they are aired. For that matter, I seldom care about any TV show. But today, I am quite in thrall to what is, I think, the best drama on the airwaves since The Wire. Most of the TV-watching world has already seen the end of Breaking Bad, and I won’t see it until I get home. I can’t even think about logging in to Facebook or visiting websites that don’t have to do with news, cause there’s always some yay-hoo ready to spill the beans, wittingly or un-.
I haven’t been this excited to see something since I breathlessly awaited the latest installment of Battlestar Galactica in the late ’70s–thanks to its time slot coinciding with Sunday night church, I had to wait until I could inhabit the parlor of my piano teacher the next day, my eyeballs glazed with lasery dreams as her giant VCR (she was an early tech adopter) unspooled the space-opera dreck while bad piano playing emanated from the next room.
See you after the bad has broken.