I suddenly find that I haven’t eaten meat for quite some time. It wasn’t planned, exactly. It just sort of happened. I think I have gone from ambivalent omnivore to accidental vegetarian. I guess it’s testament to how much my diet has changed from the Slim Jims and Moxie of 20 years ago that the transition was more or less unnoticeable.
Now the question arises: keep going?
The New York Times and L.A. Times offer compelling pieces that offer some encouragement in the vegetarian realm: one from Mark Bittman discussing the ongoing evolution of fake meat, and another about a study drawing (possibly over-broad) conclusions about meat. The latter basically says “eat red meat, die sooner!” So that’s nice.
As a Southerner through and through, I think that venturing further into vegetariana could prove interesting culturally and familialy.
It also raises another important question: if I give up beef forever, will Texas revoke my Texanhood? ‘Cause I ain’t giving up the 10-gallon.