I’ve been told by reliable sources that I’m not a geek, that I merely possess some geek lineage. Don’t know if it’s precisely the case, but I have only ever played Dungeons and Dragons for approximately 30 cumulative minutes.

On the other hand, I possess a major soft spot for the British science fiction/comedy series Red Dwarf, which is not quite as geeky as getting yourself a reproduction Tom Baker as The Doctor scarf. Although I have one of those. Anyway, Red Dwarf aired in the late ’80s for a few years, then made a comeback in the ’90s, when it was madly popular. Then it burned out for years except for a brief 3-episode installment of recent vintage. Now a 6-episode entire new season is underway: Red Dwarf X.

Robert Llewellyn, aka “Kryten,” is blogging about the whole experience. Makes a part-geek happy. Even if it also makes me feel a bit creaky in the knees.