So said a skateboarder who scuttled an Amarillo, Texas preacher’s plan to burn a Koran by boosting said Koran just before the match was struck and giving it to the local Muslim contingent.

Not sure what’s more tawdry–that this guy wanted to burn a Koran, or that he wanted to burn it in one of those crappy grills you find in parks. Hardly a good propagandist, this guy. The skateboarder, on the other hand, has the worst haircut since Emo Philips.

And a second, if more quixotic, hero of sorts: A woman in China is suing a cinema for wasting her time with 20 unnanounced minutes of ads. I mean, good luck with that one, but I like the chutzpah. Personally, on the rare occasion I actually visit a cinema, I leave my seat until the blaring idiocy has finished, then go back. Still wasted time, though…