Thursday 4/27
Close Look — Artist Meleko Mokgosi in Conversation: Curator of contemporary art, Lisa Dorin and artist Meleko Mokgosi discuss process and his exploration of history and allegory. 4 p.m. Free. Williams College Museum of Art, 15 Lawrence Hall Dr., Williamstown.
Conversation with Screenwriter Erin Cressida Wilson: Conversation with screenwriter and Smith College alumna Erin Cressida Wilson ’85, whose projects include The Girl on the Train. 4:30 p.m. Free. Graham Auditorium, Hillyer, Brown Fine Arts Center, 20 Elm St., Northampton. (413) 585-2190,
Drag Queen Bingo: With Jenayah De Rosario and her assistant Liz. A fun time for everyone with great prizes from local sponsors. 10 games. 8 p.m. $10. Gateway City Arts, 92 Race St., Holyoke. (413) 335-0576,
Healthy Living Workshop: Workshop with biochemist, herbalist and yoga teacher Jaya Devi. 7 p.m. Jones Library, 43 Amity St., Amherst.
Immaculate Perception: TEDx video talk featuring UCLA Law professor Jerry Kang on the phenomenon of automatic processing and how it relates to bias. 7 p.m. Free. Jones Library, 43 Amity St., Amherst. (413) 259-3223,
In-Depth Conversation — An Evening with Frances Crowe: A reception and conversation with Frances Crowe, Northampton’s best known activist for peace and social justice. Funds benefit Historic Northampton. 6 p.m. $25-$35. Historic Northampton, 46 Bridge St., Northampton. (413) 584-6011,
The Resistance — Organizing in the Age of Trump: Linda Sarsour is an award-winning, Brooklyn-born Palestinian-American-Muslim racial justice and civil rights activist, community organizer, social media maverick and mother of three. 5:30 p.m. Free. Mahar Auditorium, UMass Amherst.
Liars, Cheats and Creeps — Leaving the Sociopath Behind: Dr. Patricia Peters Martin presents her powerful book. 6 p.m. Free. Rindge Meeting House, 6 Payson Hill Road, Rindge, NH. (603) 899-3303,
Majesty and Mystery of Crop Circles: Naturalist John Root. 6:30 p.m. Granby Free Library, 297 E. State St., Granby.
Imagining Hebrew, Imagining in Hebrew: Robert and Pamela Jacobs Lecture. Gail Hareven, one of Israel’s most significant authors and the scion of a family of Hebrew reformers, will present a personal reflection on the parallel development of Hebrew literature and language. 4:30 p.m. Free. Goodell Hall, Bernie Dallas Roomm, UMass Amherst. (413) 545-2550,,
Valley Voices Story Slam — DIY: 7:30 p.m. $10. New City Brewery, 180 Pleasant St., Easthampton.
Western MA Legislative Meet and Greet: 2 p.m. Hangar Pub & Grill, 10 University Drive, Amherst.
Friday 4/28
5th Annual Wine and Beer Tasting Fundraiser for the Cambodia Medical Clinic: 5 p.m. $35. Springfield Country Club, 1375 Elm St., West Springfield. (413) 695-1493,,
James Heflin Book Launch: James Heflin celebrates the release of poetry collection Krakatoa Picnic with a reading, complete with door prizes. 7 p.m. Free. Brew Practitioners, 36 Main St., Florence.,
Labyrinth Walk at Mount Marie: 11 a.m. Forbes Library, 20 West St., Northampton.
Transubstantiation Perspectives: A talk on the Transubstantiation of the bread and wine, into the body and blood of Christ. 7:30 p.m. Free. First Congregational Church, 165 Main St., Amherst. (413) 717-5826,
Speaker Sisterhood of South Hadley: Increase confidence, boost public speaking skills, have fun, and maybe change the world. 9 a.m. Free. Ohana School of Performing Arts, 470 Newton St., South Hadley. (413) 335-4894,
Thoreau and the Language of Trees: Smith College Tree Committee sponsors talk by Richard Higgins. Noon. Campus Center 103/104, Smith College, Northampton.
Wistariahurst Museum Celebration of Latina Writers: Latinas con pluma. A staged reading. 7 p.m. Wistarishurst Museum, 238 Cabot St., Holyoke.
Saturday 4/29
Amherst ChalkWalk: Artists will draw with chalk throughout downtown Amherst. Artists needed. All are welcome. Register: 10 a.m. Free. South Common, Downtown Amherst, Amherst.
An Introduction to Bomba: 11 a.m. Make-It Springfield, 168 Worthington St., Springfield.
Bird Walk with Naturalist John Green: 7 a.m. Notch Visitor Center, 1500 West St., Amherst.
Book Sale at Guilford Church: 10 a.m. Free. Guilford Community Church, 38 Church Dr., Guilford. (802) 257-0626,,
Books and Beyond — Whately Library Community Brainstorm Party: Calling all current and future patrons of the Whately Public Library: How can we make a great library even greater? Open house: pizza, cake, prizes. Noon. Free. Whately Public Library, 202 Chestnut Plain Road, Whately. (413) 665-2170,,
Cave Hill — Geology and Ecology: 10 a.m. Greenfield Community College, 1 College Dr., Greenfield.
Clases para Compradores de Casa por Primera Vez de HAPHousing: 9 a.m. $50 por cuatro clases. HAPHousing, 322 Main St., Springfield.
Couponing 101: 10 a.m. JC Williams Community Center, 116 Florence St., Springfield.
Creating a Charitable Legacy: Join Attorney Seunghee Cha, from Bulkley; and Richardson and CFWM’s Ellen Leuchs for a presentation on ways you can give through estate planning. 2:30 p.m. Free. Jones Library, 43 Amity St., Amherst. (413) 259-3223,
Ella Fitzgerald Supper Club Celebration: 1940s-themed supper in celebration of 100th birthday of Ella Fitzgerald. Cocktail hours, jazz vocalists, musical ensembles. 6 p.m. The Log Cabin, 500 Easthampton Road, Holyoke. (413) 552-2485.
Ocean Fire Pottery Western Mass Spring Show: Potter and Hatfield native Amy Clark is bringing her work home for the Ocean Fire Pottery Western Mass. Spring Show. After an extensive apprenticeship with a Vermont potter learning the wood-firing process, she opened her studio and gallery, Ocean Fire Pottery in York, Maine.Check her out Saturday through Sunday at Clark House, 77 Depot Road, Hatfield., (207) 450-3647.
Emotive Agility: Intro workshop for women to develop their presences. 9 a.m. Upstairs Studio, 25 Main St., Northampton.
Florence Spring Craft Fair: Local vendors with handcrafted items, jewelry, African art, recycled wine bottles, silk flower art, hand made note cards, bake sale, raffle table, lunch. 9 a.m. Free. Florence Congregational Church, 130 Pine St., Florence. (413) 584-1325,
Foraging Wild Edibles: Presentation by Blanche Cybele Derby. 10:30 a.m. Free. Gaylord Library, South Hadley.
Giant Western MA Radio Control Flea Market: 9 a.m. Turners Falls Airport, Turners Falls.,
Hadley Pocketbook and Scarf Sale: Benefit sale. 10 a.m. Senior Community Center, 46 Middle St., Hadley.
MA ASH Speaker: Pediatrician John Synder on medical myths and vaccine denial: 2 p.m. Forbes Library, 20 West St., Northampton.
Mindfulness Hike: Experience nature in a whole new way: take a mindful walk in the woods. For those who thought they couldn’t sit still long enough to meditate. 2 p.m. $0-$20. Bradley Sanctuary, Old Goshen Road, Williamsburg. (413) 628-4485, ext. 4;,
Poetry and Curiosity: Poetry writing and movement meditation open to all. Bring your curiosity and a special poem to share. 11 a.m. Lotus Peace Arts at VWMA, One Cottage St., #319, Easthampton. (413) 320-3248,,
Spotted Salamander Egg Mass Count: 9 a.m. Henry Street Swamp, Henry Street, Amherst.
Transplanting Shrubs and Planting Small Ornamental Trees: Aspects of successful planting will be demonstrated as participants assist in transplanting a multi-stem shrub and a small tree. 9:30 a.m. Berkshire Botanical Garden, 5 West Stockbridge Road, Stockbridge. (413) 298-3926,,
Treasure Hunters Hobby and Historical Show: Raises money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Wounded Warriors, and Dublin Christian Academy. 8:30 a.m. $5. Keene Recreation Center, 312 Washington St., Keene.
Western MA Humanists: 2 p.m. Forbes Library, 20 West St., Northampton.
The Writing Room: 9:30 a.m. Forbes Library, 20 West St., Northampton.
Sunday 4/30
3rd Annual Out of the Darkness Walk: Walk to raise awareness about suicide, help break the stigma around mental health, and raise funds for important life saving training, research, and education for suicide prevention. 10 a.m. Track and Field Complex, UMass Amherst.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hampshire County Daffodil Fun Run: On race day, Kendrick Park is transformed into a festive, family friendly space with pre-race warm up activities for all ages, music with DJ Matt Peterson, bounce house, games, food from The Pub and more! All levels of participation are welcome. 10 a.m. Kendrick Park, Amherst.
Creating a Welcoming Community: Community potluck and forum on immigration policies with guest speaker Jeff Napolitano of Western Mass AFSC. 2 p.m. Free. Old Town Hall, 28 Park St., Belchertown.,
Easthampton Think Spring Breakfast Brunch for Seniors: Helping Hand Society hosts breakfast brunch. 9:30 a.m. Easthampton Council on Aging, Easthampton. (413) 527-2816.
I Carry My Mother: A poetry reading by Lesléa Newman whose work explores a daughter’s journey through her mother’s illness and death and her own grief. 11 a.m. Free. Sons of Zion Synagogue, 378 Maple St., Holyoke.,
So Now I’m Looking Dead at You, What Are You Gonna Do?: Kelli Morgan, the Winston and Carolyn Lowe Curatorial Fellow at the Philadelphia Academy of the Fine Arts, and Ph.D. candidate at UMass Amherst, will present a lecture on Kara Walker’s art, which explores concepts of black women’s self-making, autonomy, subjectivity and personal empowerment through visual expression. 4:30 p.m. Free. Commonwealth Honors College Building, room 160, UMass Amherst. (413) 545-3672,
Monday 5/1
May Day Strike/Huelga! Defend Immigrants, Refugees and All Workers: On May 1st, worker will leave fields, factories, restaurants to demonstrate the millions of dollars that immigrants contribute daily. Join us! Noon. Free. Springfield ICE Office, 1515 Main St., Springfield. (413) 314-3095.
May — Oryx and Crake, Margaret Atwood: 7 p.m. Forbes Library, 20 West St., Northampton.
Pelham Democracts: Public meeting on the Mass. Democratic Party’s 2017 state platform. 7 p.m. Pelham Library, Pelham. (413) 230-9771,
Tuesday 5/2
Intro to Home Cannabis Cultivation: Topics will include setup and use of equipment, costs, space/power/time requirements, and more. There will be a class activity. 7 p.m. 21-plus, ID required. Free. Grow Haus, 26 Strong Ave., Northampton. (413) 584-0907,, @GrowHausMA.
Anti-Semitism and the Left: With Ilan Stavans. $5. Yiddish Book Center, 1021 West St., Amherst.
Wednesday 5/3
Bookbinding for Beginners: Make simple, elegant books without the use of glue or fancy bookbinding equipment. For ages 13 through adult. Limited to 10 people. Sign up at (413) 665-2170. 5:30 p.m. Free. Whately Public Library, 202 Chestnut Plain Road, Whately.,
Polish National Constitution Day Observance: Screening of film Why Celebrate Europe’s First Constitution? 6:30 p.m. Free. Saint Valentine’s Polish National Catholic Church, 127 King St., Northampton. (413) 214-2284,