The Missed Connections forum on Craigslist is a wasteland of terrible poetry, dick pics, and whining, but among the detritus are some truly fascinating, funny, and occasionally sweet entries. The following are highlights from the Western Mass Missed Connections forum, sans detritus.
PS — Rabbit where are you? — w4m (Easthampton)
We met on Pleasant St in the late 70’s or early 80’s. I last met you at my place in the late 80’s or early 90’s. I hope you are well and doing good. I used to run in to you from time to time. Are you still playing drums? Married with kids? Would love to hook up again. Tell me a few things only you would know. Like somethings about my friend I lived with last time I seen you. The kind of soda we drank at the lunch counter, where, where I often showed up in your bed. What kind of shampoo was in your shower. Sry. Crazy people here, including me. I need to be sure it’s really you. Anyway… still crazy after all these year. I think of you often, mostly in a sexual way. You had great hair that I loved to run my fingers through. You were always great in bed. At my age that’s hard to come by these days. Ugh. May 8, 2017
Stop & Shop Baking Aisle — m4w (Northampton)
Looking for the gorgeous woman, short black hair, glasses, I passed in the aisle at Stop & Shop. We navigated our carts around each other. I’d love to follow up, can I buy you a drink? May 10, 2017
Actually I’m a woman seeking info on Prof — m4w (SPFLD)
I’m posting here because I would think the women I’m looking for info from would check this part out. I have been contacted by a professor on here a couple of times. We have exchanged emails and chatted a couple times. He has proven to me that he is a real professor and what he teaches is real as well.
I’m curious if anyone else has met him. I don’t want to fall for him if he is hitting on everyone. I have commitment issues and I don’t know if I should even consider getting serious at all. I don’t need a 1000 messages making up elaborate stories about the coming of Christ our Lord and how we met in this life or another life. Please just write if you have spoken with him. May 10, 2017
Parking lot smiles-Sunday, May 7 — m4w (Hadley)
Never posted a Craigslist “Personals” ad before, but since the chances of running into you again are close to none, here I am. Sunday daytime, I was parking, you were about to leave. I caught you checking me out, I smiled, you did too. As I got out of my car, and you were in yours already, I looked at you again, you were still smiling. I wanted to walk over to you and say hi, but then what else would I say … I could not come up with a clever line in those few seconds, so I didn’t. Been thinking about you since, and what I could have said … I found you really cute, and would like to get to know you. If by a remote chance you see this, let’s have coffee sometime? Your car is a gray sedan (I believe a Toyota), mine is a blue Honda. If you tell me where we were, and the approximate time, I will know it is you. May 9, 2017
JW — w4m (WMass)
Thought about you earlier today when I met someone with the same name. Still enjoying your sex life, even though you know there’s much better sex out there that you’ll never get to experience again? Wish you the best, wouldn’t interfere or anything. Just honestly curious if it’s worth it and you found happiness, or if it’s all just a sham and you’re still cheating. Although if you respond to this either way, the question is basically answered for me since why else would you be on here? Lol. May 9, 2017
Check out at dicks sporting goods — w4m (Hadley)
Tall, dark and handsome country man in camo and carhartt … if there is a god you will read this! Would’ve said hi but didn’t know if that was your girl? May 8, 2017
Leone’s Restaurant — Saturday May 6 2017 — m4w (Spfld)
You — Beautiful with long black hair, sitting in the back room of the restaurant with a older couple and a younger boy. Me — Dark hair, hazel eyes with a grey shirt and jeans, also sitting in the back room of the restaurant. We made eye contact at the entrance and then several other times. You were absolutely beautiful, I could tell by the eye contact that we both had an attraction. This is a long shot but hopefully you’ll see this and get back to me. May 7, 2017