The Missed Connections forum on Craigslist is a wasteland of terrible poetry, dick pics, and whining, but among the detritus are some truly fascinating, funny, and occasionally sweet entries. The following are highlights from the Western Mass Missed Connections forum, sans detritus.

Berkshire co-op deli bar — m42 (Great Barrington)

Incredible lady. I think you noticed me seeing you as you were ordering at the deli/sandwich bar in the Berkshire co-op. I think you might have been excited by that. I was sitting at nearest table, with my friend, we were facing your way. Your shirt and shoes matched, which was groovy. I’d really like to say hi. If this interests you, what color were shirt and shoes?! May 10, 2017


Time warner/ spectrum — m4w (Pittsfield)

I held the door for you so you could get into the building, you had three box’s they were wrong, I missed my time to talk to you I really wanted to but I let my shyness get the best of me if you read this tell tell me how your morning was, I over heard a bit but really want to hear from you May 17, 2017


Dear “You work at CVS” — w4m (Auburn)

I must say You have been the buzz around the store nobody knows who you are ! If you can be a little more specific Front store, back store ( pharmacy), just a little insight maybe hair color or height ? It just Might give us a clue to whom you adore ? Maybe the first letter of the first name would help ! daytime nighttime which shift are they about ? We talk to hundreds of people throughout the day and night so throw us bone and give us some insight Patiently awaiting your new post with with details or maybe you’ll Poppin and announce it to the people May 17, 2017


We met once and nothing came of it — m4t (Greenfield)

We met at Rite Aid during the winter. It was just to meet each other. I think you may have thought we were going somewhere. I wish we had. Tell me your name or give me mine or something to tell me that it’s you. May 16, 2017


Video Games Live After Party — m4m

We were both waiting for a meet and greet with the host during the after party at the Marriot. You were college aged, tall with reddish brown hair that perfectly fell to just above your eyes. I was shorter with dark hair and not much older. I was wearing a Yoshi T-shirt. I wanted to talk to you but someone beat me to it and then later you joined with friends. Regretted all night not taking the chance. Next time I’ll go for it 🙂 May 16, 2017


Trippin on Mt. Tom (top of the world, sunset)

To the welcoming hippies on Mt. Tom who generously dosed me — thank you so much brothers. I hope you don’t mind that I scampered off instead of hanging out longer, I had a lot on my mind I needed to work through. Your random act of liquid kindness was amazing- I haven’t tripped in years, and that was the shit. I made significant progress on my shtuff, and had an amazing time besides. Truly grateful for your generosity. I’ve omitted your names here but I remember you, maybe we’ll meet again. Until then, be well, and keep on keepin on 🙂 May 16, 2017


Big Y Longmeadow — m4w (Longmeadow)

Saw you yesterday — are you getting younger? you look so damn good, btw! sorry couldn’t talk had to run, but you had enough time to give me spring fever. May 16, 2017


What was i thinking? — m4w (Northampton)

We talked briefly and you gave me your card at Stop n shop awhile back. I never emailed you because because i had just started seeing someone but it didn’t work out, and now I’m wishing i held on to your number. Still out there?? May 15, 2017


C. on Longhill — w4m (Springfield)

It was about 3am when I picked you up in Connecticut when I took your Uber call. You sat in the back (you could have sat in front if you’d wanted). I drove you from CT to Springfield, literally two minutes away from where I live. We talked about our shitty past relationships. We agreed on pretty much everything. You used the word “brutal” quite a few times. At first I thought you were just enjoying the conversation, but then you told me that I had amazing makeup and gorgeous eyes. Then you indirectly invited me out to have a Fribble sometime and said that you hoped that you would see me around. I usually dismiss flirtation, but now I’m kicking myself for not just giving you my number. May 15, 2017


Stop & Shop / CVS — m4m (WMass)

You walked by at Stop & Shop and we“nodded” hello. You used to work at CVS. I’ve always thought you were SO hot. Even though I’m older, I don’t suppose you’d consider doing me the honor of letting me put [myself] into servitude for you? I could kind of be on call to you. Totally discreet, you in charge, private local place, no strings, no reciprocation expected at all. An alpha like you should have someone like me working hard at making you feel REALLY good. I think it’s why guys like me exist … and I each of us gets what we need. Please, Please, PLEASE may I serve you?! May 14, 2017


Thursday late night — m4w (Northampton)

We talked for quite some time. We both had a lot to say and a lot to drink. You dropped a beer and I bought 4 Tequila shots. Not sure what happened after that, but damn I hope you made it home safely. Good times. Maybe we meet again. May 14, 2017


Just a thank you to emt M. at Gibbs crossing Walmart — m4w

Thank you to the EMS M. that went out of her way at the Walmart at Gibbs Crossing this past week to make sure I was not ready to have another heart attack. I’m not sure that I can thank you enough. I wish it was under different circumstances, however, God placed you in my path for a reason. Thank you May 14, 2017


East Side Cutie — w4m (Northampton)

You waited on me at East Side Grille in Northampton. I was with a man who you probably assumed to be my significant other but he is simply a friend. You smiled sheepishly and made my heart race. If you like cats and craft beer you might be my dream man. I think I’ve seen you before. Were you a bartender in town? I’m a small blonde (natural!) curvy and I giggled a lot because I was nervous. I’ve never posted on here but I thought what the hell! May 12, 2017


Dog Park — w4m (Grandby)

You were at the Dufresne dog park with your two dogs. It was a combination of your firm handle over your two boys and the gentle demeanor you showed towards the other dogs in the park. We exchanged few words, but you were pleasant and friendly. I wanted to say more, but I was a little beat from hiking with my dog prior to our arrival at the park. That and the fact that I’m a little shy. I would love to see you again, though. Maybe get drinks and let our dogs play. May 11, 2017