Hotel Northampton

Best Hotel/inn

Best Hotel/inn - Hotel Northampton

Ashley Fillion is head of human resources and is the executive assistant to Hotel Northampton’s owner Mansour Ghalibaf. Ghalibaf has owned the hotel for seven years now and has continued the tradition of elegance and excellence for which the historic hotel has been known. Founded in 1927, a host of luminaries including John F. Kennedy and Eleanor Roosevelt have passed through the establishment. Fillion says today’s guests can still expect the best. “The staff is very friendly and personable,” she says. And they’re known as a great events venue. “We book lots of weddings and our New Year’s Eve weddings are really popular. The guests also love the grand ballroom, the atrium and sitting by the fireplace to relax.”

2nd Place

D. Hotel & Suites

3rd Place

Inn on Boltwood