by Caleb Rounds | Feb 21, 2013 | Talk Dirt to Me
The boss is on something of a pie bender. She’s made an apple pie and a fantastic blueberry pie in the last few weeks. Apparently the eldest boarder mentioned something about liking pie and this set her off. He doesn’t like very many foods. But pie,...
by Caleb Rounds | Mar 1, 2013 | Talk Dirt to Me
“The girls and I have been talking and I think we have a bit of a situation. Whatever this white cold stuff in the run is, it’s not in the least bit entertaining. It’s time to talk about going somewhere a bit warmer until this cold spell passes....
by Caleb Rounds | Mar 1, 2013 | Talk Dirt to Me
A few years back one of my neighbors gave Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv. I don’t think she was worried about me or my boarders; it’s more likely she was trying to rile me up. I can make quite a spectacle of myself when I get upset. Just ask my...
by Caleb Rounds | Mar 7, 2013 | Talk Dirt to Me
We are a people who buy for the world. The Chinese, as a nation, are savers and makers, so their economy needs suckers, I mean consumers, to buy stuff: we fit the bill. Our purchased items stand in for us. Our cars, our houses, and our electronic devices all in some...
by Caleb Rounds | Mar 14, 2013 | Talk Dirt to Me
A colleague of mine took some students out to the Montague Plains for a ramble recently. To demonstrate seed dispersal he picked up a pine cone and shook the seeds into his hand. Instead of seeds, he got a handful of springtails. As he tells the story, he didn’t...