Cloudy with a chance of ninjas

As I write we’re experiencing our first snow fall of the year, which also happens to be our first snowstorm. I’m a weather denier as a habit. This is not the same as a climate change denier. People who refuse to accept the evidence for anthropogenic...

Wolf Foot

This winter we haven’t gotten enough snow. “Enough” is what allows for cross country skiing. Even in New Hampshire where I spent part of the holidays the snow cover was patchy or absent. We passed a very wet hour tubing at a ski resort. The wet snow...


On Christmas day I enact my most gratifying statement of rebellion against the dominant paradigm I haul the Christmas tree out of the house, cut off the branches and throw it in the brush pile on top of several previous years’ trees. The boarders don’t...

Little Boxes Made of ticky tacky

It’s that most irritating time of the year. The indentured boarders are big on Christmas, quelle suprise. The youngest has even launched a campaign to celebrate Hanukah concurrently. Thus far he’s only asked for Latkes and a menorah, but I’m pretty...


Another minor tragedy struck the household last weekend: Elliot broke the seltzer maker. He didn’t just break it by the expensive piece of plastic junk off the counter, he broke it all to bits inside. He must be practicing to be a parent. The seltzer maker we...