Update: In Case you Missed It

I think they actually filmed this:I mean, with actual film.On Barack Obama's sex appeal: Please read this at your own risk (it isn't unsavory, it just tastes really bad). It's by Nicole Caldwell, former-editor-in-cheif of Playgirl. I understand how...

Maddow About You: Expanded

It seems appropraite to make this post now after reading Tom Vannah’s Between the Lines in this week’s Advocate, which addresses the credibility of (basically) admittedly biased “news” programs on television like those of Rachel Maddow and Sean...

Okay, So Now What?

I'm at a loss. I am ecstatic, sure, but I am feeling hesitant. I whooped it up Tuesday night, jumped on the bed, said "I'm proud to be an American," rained crappy champagne out my apartment window, and watched a grown man cry. Barack Obama is now...

Dumb Diva Dodges D.C. …

…and Faux News reaps the benefits. Apparently, hundreds of Sarah Palin stories that were to remain off the record until the end of the campaign are now ON THE RECORD. In the following clip, Fox News political correspondent Carl Cameron reveals some juicy inside...