How Much of a Sports Tax Are You Paying?

Big time sports, be they professional teams or high-profile university programs, are big time business. But how much is the average citizen, whether a sports fan or not, paying to subsidize the commerce of our culture’s athletic obsession? Quite a bit, argues...

Royce White: The Most Dangerous Man in the NBA

It’s not likely you’ve heard much about Royce White. And there’s good reason for that. He’s a mere rookie, currently playing for the Rio Grande Valley Vipers, the D [developmental] League team of the Houston Rockets. So far, his professional...

The Charitable Burden of Professional Athletes

Would you rather the star player on your favorite team be a perennial all-star and multiple time champion, but basically be an a-hole, or be a little less talented, a little less driven, but be a pretty decent person? This is the question I found myself wondering...