by Masculinity and Its Discontents | May 1, 2009 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
For better and maybe worse, as the NBA Playoffs are upon us, Charles Barkley's career and reputation seem to be fully rehabilitated (after his drunk driving [and rumored solicitaiton too] arrest early this year). He's been back on TNT for some time now, and...
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | May 6, 2009 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
This has bugged me for a while, but just lately it’s reached a head and now I’m all riled up, dammit! It started a while backw hen first I heard Air America hosts shamelessly shilling for a gold broker, all of them (Rachel Maddow, Thom Hartmann, Stephanie...
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | May 8, 2009 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
"Sick" as in "insane," "insane" as in awesome!
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | May 11, 2009 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
Because I just know, that's how. Because I can see into his soul and that his Christianity is pragmatic at best. Because I've read his book and his "finding" a church was a bout finding an organization through which he could get things done, plain...
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | May 14, 2009 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
Seeing as I don't think too many people go back and re-read posts here (and they don't simply fall below the current post as on most blogs) I'd like to repost a comment in responst to my last post in which I, somewhat humorously/hyperbolically, posited my...