by Masculinity and Its Discontents | May 20, 2009 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
James Frey is continuing to reap the rewards of being spoken of by Oprah – now she's apologizing for the well-earned bashing she gave him on her show a couple years back. I was kinda obsessed with him and his duplicity for a while. Well, I've only been...
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | May 22, 2009 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
just because it's hump day and we all need a little sumpin to get us over the hump:
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | May 26, 2009 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
I think this commercial pretty much speaks for itself (although here's another blogger & his readers' takes that are pretty interesting). I guess the only part of it that has the slightest hint of nuance is the difference between misogynist and...
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | May 28, 2009 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
It's not every day I get to quote a moral/political philosopher I know more than the tiniest bit about. But when the cali court's reaffirmation of prop. 8 came down today, I was reminded of something my philosophy prof dad taught me based on the work of Rawls...
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | Jun 1, 2009 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
I hope the author/artist will forgive me for posting this tiny version of one of his or her awesome strips. To actually be able to read the wicked funny words, check out to party and find out!