by Masculinity and Its Discontents | May 2, 2010 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
The other day I found myself watching a bunch of interviews with grumpy auteur/screenwriter Charlie Kaufman on Youtube and it made me want to drag an old chestnut out of the closet. Back in San Francisco, toward the end of my years there, I worked for a wretched...
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | Jul 9, 2010 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Garret Keizer Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election Fox News This clip shows the subtlety, the humor, the charm of my Stephen. If there’s any part of the Report that’s at all...
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | May 5, 2010 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
(click here for part one) Thursday evening arrives and, sporting a spanky new haircut, I get caught in heavy rush-hour traffic heading over to Berkeley and barely make it to the grand, old California Theater before the screening is scheduled to start. Word of mouth...
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | Jul 15, 2010 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
Just some chatting about the pukey Lebron sideshow last night: me: Such an embarrassing spectacle. such a BAD decision. If he wins, it’s because the deck was stacked. The pressure is huge. And not nearly enough basketballs for him and d wade to dribble and...
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | May 7, 2010 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
(click HERE for part one, HERE for part two) After a very long and nerve-wracking Friday, it’s finally 6 p.m. and I arrive at the Clift, a swank hotel in downtown San Francisco, where the interview is to take place. A bright-eyed young bellhop gets in the...