Mr. and Ms. Moneybags Come to Springfield

Health New England is due for a dubious honor tomorrow: Billionaires for Wealthcare plans to stop by the insurance company’s Springfield office to deliver a thank-you card for “its participation in the vital work of American Health Insurance Plans...

Four More Years?

A couple of days ago, I got a letter from city activist Karen Powell (co-founder of the Citizens Action Network, or CANE) that she was hoping to submit as a letter to the editor.Unfortunately, the letter came just a bit too late for publication in this week's...

'Tis the Season

With just a couple of days until Tuesday’s election, it’s time for the local media to endorse candidates, and this year there’s a lot of work to do: In addition to a mayor’s race, Springfield voters will also choose five at-large city...

And Now, the Republican

In a not particularly surprising development, the Springfield Republican yesterday endorsed Domenic Sarno in tomorrow’s mayoral election.Two years ago, the newspaper endorsed Sarno’s opponent, then-incumbent Mayor Charlie Ryan, as the candidate with the...