Stories, Telling

It would seem that I’ve told my story of getting an abortion at seventeen about a thousand times (well, not that many, but plenty). To date, I’ve written about the experience, spoken about it publically (at Speak Outs–Breaking Silences about...


At Sunnyside Childcare Center, where Saskia spends three (cheery paint-and-playground-and-peer-filled) mornings each week, there’s a whole curriculum called Second Step covered across the different classrooms. Remy, now seven, also went to Sunnyside, and so I...

Sleep Tight

Last night, at around ten, the power went out. I did what any exhausted person would logically do: I put the computer down, sunk under the covers, and let the terrified eleven year-old into my bed. All the windows in the houses nearby that were normally illuminated at...