
Han Solo High

It’s beautiful that an architect went to the trouble of making a high school look exactly like the Millennium Falcon from above. Call people “geeks” if you must, they’ll still be smart enough to win the day. And you might not even know...

Threat Deterred!

Mark Roessler’s solution to the (no doubt many) threats on Obama’s life on this inauguration day: “Maybe the president should have a gun?” The photo opps alone boggle the mind.

A Reptilian Bid for the Skies?

If some kid(s) made this turtle take flight, well, that’s clearly cruel. (It did land safely, thankfully.) But the authors of the article are overlooking another possibility: reptilian ambition. What if this turtle in fact had some friends attach all those...

Goldbergian Triumphs of Europe

I used to work in Switzerland. And, outside of one particularly fetching news anchor, I found Swiss TV a weird, weird place. Exhibit A was a 30-minute or so segment that kept re-airing, in which a vast room held an equally vast Goldbergian machine system. Everything...

A Really Good Gun Argument

In the back-and-forth I’ve seen here, in other comment sections, and on Facebook, I’ve seen very few comments from the pro-gun side of the equation as well-stated and well-grounded as the one I’m pasting below. For all the decrying of emotion as a...

The “Disposition Matrix”

The worst part of the presidential campaign is its stifling, two-party narrowness on certain issues. The foreign policy debate of recent days showed just how similarly the two would approach foreign policy (well, apparently, if they are to be believed). There are...

Dear Pleasant Street Theater:

Was it the popcorn scoop I lost in 1999? That really was an accident. And I was only holding Brion Dulac’s cigarette for him, Mr. Pini. I don’t even smoke. You cannot do this to us, this going away. Give us your airplane-like “little theater,”...

When science trumps fiction

The coolest thing I’ve been sent today: scientists have created a visual approximation of what it would look like to hang out in Kurt Goedel’s model of the universe, or, as Smithsonian Mag explains it, “they show what it would look like if you could...

Time to Unveil the Socialist Agenda!

So what happens now? Will Obama rip off his mask to reveal Lenin? Will we all be forced to become Muslims and get gay married? Will we give all our cash to illegal immigrants? Will we all be forced against our will to have healthcare? Or will we, at last, see Obama...

Ungaming the System?

Recent Republican vote-gaming efforts have focused on making the Electoral College vote proportional, but only in states where it helps the Republican presidential candidate. Profoundly one-sided in their favor, of course. Now that those efforts seem to be fizzling...

More Pore-tree

So last week, I wrote about poetry. A few days later, as fortune would have it, I got some good news about my own poetry. Then I read this swelled-head antidote.

When is it tyranny?

Should it not concern all of us, left, right and other, that our government is claiming the right to kill Americans via legal justification that defies logic? “Imminent” is a word with a fairly clear meaning: “ready to take place; especially hanging...

Some irony-free offerings

My Cyber Monday specials include this spectacularly well-written piece, which is very cool and/or uncool, o ye hipsters. And in other news: a beautiful collision of art and science has computers revealing the hidden keys to the emotion unleashed by abstract art,...


After learning a lot about the 1769 transit of Venus via Mark Anderson’s fine book The Day the World Discovered the Sun, I enjoyed immensely the sudden sky-clearing that enabled me to run into the front yard and hastily set up binoculars and a pad of paper to...

All Greek to him

Sen. Lindsey Graham, possessor of the most irritating Southern accent since Gomer Pyle, today intoned this gem in his mock-serious way as part of his demand that Obama cut funds to so-called “entitlement” programs: “I will never vote to raise the...

Why It's Smarter Not to Be a Poet

Being a poet is basically absurd. (I first typed “absurb,” which is probably also true.) People are apparently reading the stuff, good, bad and middling. But trying to get your book published? A very good poet of my acquaintance shopped his manuscript for...

The Second Amendment and Slavery

Never heard this argument before. Thom Hartmann: The real reason the Second Amendment was ratified, and why it says “State” instead of “Country” (the Framers knew the difference – see the 10th Amendment), was to preserve the slave patrol...

Quote of the Day

“We know the human heart is a substandard product.” -Josh Marshall of TPM, talking about his frustration with the “conversation” (about mass shootings) that ends up going nowhere What, indeed, is it about the U.S. that makes us home to a...

Brain Food of the Highest Order

While the crema builds up on that last post, here’s something completely different. This morning, I sat eating my Weetabix, and suddenly the speakers nearby launched into the air a gorgeous melody. It’s really quite unlike any other melody I can think of....

Obama, Bush and Romney

Glenn Greenwald and Ibrahim Mothana illustrate why this fall is, in some ways, unimportant: Mothana, in the New York Times: Unfortunately, liberal voices in the United States are largely ignoring, if not condoning, civilian deaths and extrajudicial killings in Yemen...

Blue Means Go

Ever wonder where, say, purple ends and pink begins? Here’s an extraordinary post exploring the linguistic, cognitive, and neurological basis of how many colors we perceive. Part two explores yet further, and offers a very cool BBC video about language/color...

Low non-Earth Orbit

A crazy planet? Well, yes, but no. Here’s something for everyone who’s imagined what it would be like to walk on the ceiling (outside of Lionel Richie), or imagined a textured ceiling as the surface of a planet: An artist who shoots photos of the tops of...

Can the gun control conversation grow up?

This is the best article I’ve yet read about the conflicting cultures of gun owners versus gun control advocates. Makes me realize that, though it’s talked up as uncrossable, I straddle this cultural divide. I bet there are plenty of others who do as well....

Big Brother Wears Glasses

Sometimes profound social change happens so fast no one is prepared for the new reality (yep, Future Shock, still relevant). I assumed Google Glass would fizzle out because its wearers look absurd. But then again, so do those bizarre pointy shoes some women still...

Not in the World with Supermarkets

An oddly poignant quote from 108-year-old Alice Herz-Sommer: “In my opinion musicians are privileged people. It brings you from the first tone to another world, not in the world with supermarkets, and not with money, in a world with peace and beauty.”...

Crazy for guns!

Can the conversation grow up? Alex Jones says no. Very, very loudly. (As does our comment section.) And if you can make it a couple of minutes into this video without turning the volume to mute, he gets even louder. Me, I want to see how he’s going to use his...

Carrying a Gun: A Very Big Deal

Here’s an interesting case to examine: former Marine with handgun stops a crime. It’s a fine example of the sort that gets trotted out by our NRA friends to say, “See, it works! And all you crazy liberals want to take away our protection!” And...

A Noseful

In case you were wondering, yes, there are people who have far too much free time. Here, several of them compete to see who has the roomiest head.

Still a big deal to own a gun…

In contrast to the last post, here’s the story of a teenager sneaking into the neighbor’s house by accident instead of his own and getting shot as an intruder. How this story gets interpreted is something, I’ll maintain, that’s likely to vary...

Bats and Guns

More stories like this one would be in the newspaper if guns were harder to get. I expect the usual arguments imagining a victim shooting an attacker. But any, or even all, of these people might be dead if attacker or the adult victim had a gun; no guarantees...

The Moustache of Understanding Strikes Back

Of the many blowhards masquerading as media figures, few are so frustrating in their pompousness, air of reason, and sheer insanity as Thomas Friedman. Glenn Greenwald today uses the occasion of a singularly spectacular Friedman statement to go after said insanity,...


Jan. 17: 1) “The president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) on Thursday said that the organization was ‘generally supportive’ of strong background checks on firearm purchasers.” 2) “A CBS News poll released Thursday shows 92...

Storm Clouds?

The eight years of political misery that began with the Supreme Court’s Bush v. Gore decision might be but a harbinger of a rough November. From the New York Times: Twelve years after a too-close-to-call presidential contest imploded in a hail of Florida punch...

Lending Dancing Larry a Hand

If you’ve ever met the man known as Dancing Larry, you know he’s as generous and friendly a soul as you’re likely to meet. He’s been a longtime fixture in the Valley, dancing with joy at local music shows for years. Play a show with him at the...

Thatcher Oof

When I heard that the Iron Lady had left us, I wondered, “What do the Oak Ridge Boys think about this?” They quickly obliged: From: Webster PR To: Subject: The Oak Ridge Boys comment on the passing of UK Prime Minister Margaret...

Is authorship about to pay even less?

Last November, I wrote about a thorny Supreme Court case, Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons. In short, it revolves around the right to import copyrighted works intended for overseas use and resell them. Kirtsaeng, a Thai student who made a load of cash reselling...

Bad all over

Quite the bodycount of innocents killed in the past few days around the world, including in our own horrible events. Here’s the beginning of the list: SYRIA Syrian warplanes swooped over the quiet town of Saraqeb in the country’s north Saturday, dropping...

A Tough Week Gets Worse

Meanwhile, in Congress, expanded background checks for gun ownership, supported by an overwhelming majority of even NRA members, are voted down. Gabby Giffords says this: They looked at these most benign and practical of solutions, offered by moderates from each...

A Matter of Important Semantics

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said yesterday regarding the Boston Marathon bombings: 1) “…we need to know everything we can about why this happened, what the motivation was, how it happened, and all of those issues are under investigation.”...

Austen will Destroy You

When I first was required to read Jane Austen, I thought, “Uh-oh. Chick lit.” I was surprised and pleased to find that my preconceptions were not only ill-founded, but absurdly off-base. I have nothing but admiration for her deadly wit and humor, and now...

Where the Christmas decorations went

Some weird stuff: 1) Google Earth offers some unwitting insight into William Gibson. Namely, the idea of experiencing/manipulating computer code as if it were an object. It never makes a whole lot of sense to read, in science fiction, of people manipulating code...

Life imitates Science Fiction again

Something to think about next time you weed the garden: Plants use underground fungal networks to warn their neighbours of aphid attack, UK scientists have discovered. The study, published this week in Ecology Letters, is the first to reveal plants’ ability to...

Gun Control: We Agree, Yet…

This ought to be easy, according to these new Pew numbers: Gun control supporters can point to broad and consistent public support for expanded background checks. Fully 81% favor making private gun sales and sales at gun shows subject to background checks, little...

Gun Control: If We Build It…

Between 3-D printers and the “gun build” phenomenon, it’s safe to say that gun legislation battles are a sideshow. Despite the tendency of gun arguments to quickly concretize into opposing cartoons, the grand-scale issue of gun violence isn’t...

Banksy has a Coke

If you can’t read it above, check it out here. I wouldn’t call this his most successful effort by a long shot, but his take on what advertisers do is particularly intriguing. I would certainly rather look at a work of Banksy art than an ad.

Frankenstein's Arrested Development

For months, I anticipated the return of Arrested Development. Best comedy, well, ever, in my estimation. At least, outside of the U.K. Office. I’ve watched three of the new episodes. Total laugh count: approximately one per episode. It’s like watching an...