by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Jul 26, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Recycling, it's kind of old hat by now, huh? I am loving this word–kind of new to me–repurpose. Why do I like it? I love the notion that things have more than one purpose; I love the intentionality of the word, and I love the sense of action. Cycles...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Jul 28, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
I am terrible with numbers.I live with a dear husband who thinks in math. He understands spaces. He reads maps. He’s quite logical. While I wander—sometimes blithely and pretty much always blindly—through the world, he navigates. The kids (at least...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Jul 30, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
If there’s one question that our country seems to be raising repeatedly, it’s how to look at issues, both with respect to our personal perspectives and experiences and with respect for others’ perspectives and experiences. How to validate the import...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Aug 2, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Old friendsSat on their park benchLike bookendsOld friendsMemory brushes the same years–Simon and Garfunkel songI am through and through a connector. By definition, I guess that means I enjoy meeting new people and making new friends. If there were a lucrative...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Aug 5, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Of all the bad news in the newspaper, the reports—like the one last night, of two gay teens being killed and an additional eight wounded by gunfire, when a gunman sprayed weapon fire at a weekly support group for gay and lesbian teens at the Tel Aviv Gay and...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Aug 7, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Saskia is eighteen months today. One-and-a-half, she’s every bit the age, with her sturdy, sometimes heavy steps suddenly transforming into a run at will and her vocabulary increasing, her pronunciation becoming more clear and agile and her single word...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Aug 9, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Pop culture–seventies and eighties division–lost another icon yesterday. John Hughes, whose films–from Ferris Bueller's Day Off to Pretty in Pink to The Breakfast Club–really shed a certain light upon the melancholy and adventures and...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Aug 11, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
I'd been meaning to read Bob Herbert's New York Times' column since Friday, entitled Women at Risk. This morning, I finally read the piece. Herbert was responding to the horrific shooting in Pittsburgh, in which a man opened fire on an aerobics class at...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Aug 13, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Last week, I was interviewed (me? how totally cool!) for the Women's Times about momblogging. While I'd been thinking about (ask my friends, obsessing about) blogging, I hadn't really thought of myself as a MOMblogger. After the interview, I posted a...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Aug 15, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Having long loved ceramics, it turns out the twenty-first century’s a great time to admire, learn and follow potters doing what they do best, via Internet. A few months ago, a friend tipped me off that potter Michael Kline (who used to live in the Valley and is...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Aug 17, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Thank you, DASAC (full name: Deerfield Academy Summer Arts Camp).I have lots of thoughts about summer camp, and about summer camps I hold dear (some other time, almost undoubtedly before summer’s out, I’ll write some of those thoughts down). Last night was...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Aug 20, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
What a jumble of emotion the birthday can bring.It’s not a big, milestone year—46—and my husband’s away, as is one son. So, I’m solo parent with three kids, meaning quite plainly, the birthday’s not a “day off.” The...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Aug 22, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
One of the best birthday presents I gave myself (and Remy) is the brand spanking new umpteenth Mr. Putter and Tabby book, Mr. Putter and Tabby Spill the Beans. Rather than wait for my birthday proper (or, for that matter for it to be released next year in paperback),...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Aug 24, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Many years ago, the gym served as my home away from home. I was one of those aerobics people in those days, the kind who chattered her way through locker room into the open floored class space, and then whooped her way through class. I was exceedingly comfortable in...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Aug 26, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
This fall a Maryland Institute of Art graduate launched a public art project called Postcards to Obama. She put people’s messages to President Obama on the Internet and sent the cards to the White House. It was truly as simple a project as one could dream up,...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Aug 30, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
“I've been feeling acutely aware of how it's a really rare thing to have a perfect farming season.” Oona Coy, Town Farm, Northampton, August 2009 One of the many pleasures of buying into a farm share (we’re on our second farm, the first,...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Sep 2, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
For days, like so many other people, I’ve been thinking about why the loss of Teddy Kennedy has hit me hard. There are the obvious reasons: from the larger than life sway the Kennedy family holds in Massachusetts most especially to Teddy’s (I’m going...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Sep 4, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
With cooler mornings and evenings, and a slew of bright, dry days calling out, “September,” right on cue, I find myself glancing backward, to drink in the last of summer’s glory. This year, memory is not drenched with humidity nor scorched by massive...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Sep 6, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Each baby’s arrival—however eagerly anticipated, however expected and planned for—is a surprise. Nothing is so common, so universal and so unique all at once. The process of giving birth does have certain trajectories, and when you get to know them,...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Sep 8, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Although Labor Day weekend has become the traditional end of summer marker (even falling late as it has this year), the Federal holiday was signed into existence in order to honor the nation’s workforce. What an odd holiday this year, then, when so many are...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Sep 11, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
It’s quiet in my house. The kids are off with the dear husband at a neighborhood party I’ll join them at in a little while. Outside, a lawnmower buzzes. The light reveals autumnal clarity and a few leaves have turned colors and dropped, quietly and without...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Sep 13, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
President Obama began his speech with a couple of stories. Here’s one: a woman’s insurance company denied her coverage when she was in need of a mastectomy because she’d neglected to report that she’d received acne treatment. By the time her...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Sep 15, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
It's been a week focused upon beginnings around here. For all four kids, it was the first week of school. That’s right, even Saskia has her own school (she’ll be spending three mornings a week at the wonderful, warm, homey Sunnyside Child Care Center)....
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Sep 17, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Although that first autumnal crispness faded back to some hot sun (no complaints), the collective gestalt around here has moved on from summer’s lovely pleasure seeking ways to a sense of productivity (or should that be Productivity?). School’s in session,...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Sep 20, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Until I read about myself—well, not me specifically, let’s just say my ilk—I never knew I had become a “free-range” mother. Of course, my immediate association is that I should get chickens of the free-range variety and much as in theory...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Sep 23, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
At the request of the blogger, this post has been removed. March 1, 2016
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Sep 25, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
The day dawned cool, foggy then warmed up clear, blue sky, puffy white clouds in classic September-in-New-England fashion. There are things you know about certain days, like these warm September sunny skies cool off quicker than you expect. There are other things you...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Sep 27, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
"At school, on the playground, you can't just play with one friend," Remy complains. "You have to be friends with everyone. Sometimes, I just want to play with Gabe.” As I write those words down, I wish I could adequately convey Remy’s...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Sep 30, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Any time someone ventures, with a hint of seriousness, interest in having a third child, I hear myself saying the same thing: the third child is nectar. For me, the nectar is named Remy—and he’s turning seven (gasp!). It’s hard to accurately travel...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Oct 2, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
I know it’s not a really good thing, as a Jew, to say that Yom Kippur—namely the whole atonement angle—doesn’t sit right with me. This is the most somber and critical holiday, and I’m sure to question it is practically blasphemous. And...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Oct 4, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
A few weeks ago, Sarah, the lovely smiling blonde woman from Apex Orchards had Zestar apples for sale at the Tuesday Market. (Quick aside: here's a link to a wonderful, uplifting video of the Tuesday Market.) I’d never heard of Zestars before. In appearance,...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Oct 6, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Recently, our local paper has run a couple of stories about quiet givers. One was about Jim Olsen of Whatley’s Signature Sounds label donating the 15 year-old company’s entire collection—83 recordings—to the town’s library. Librarian...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Oct 8, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
When Jon and Kate Gosselin—and their jaw-dropping brood of eight, in the form of twin daughters plus sextuplets (three daughters and three sons)—started off on their media adventures, I watched them with a critical (as in, media criticism critical) eye,...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Oct 10, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Last week, I had one of those great life tutorials, in which my friends gave me lots to chew on. No surprise there: I have received some amazing gifts in my life and friends rank pretty high on that list, a bunch of smart, funny, compassionate, fun, supportive,...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Oct 13, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
While waiting for Saskia’s arrival, we were nervous in more ways than you can count on both hands. There was the (rather encompassing) set of adoption-related anxieties: would the baby be healthy? Would Caroline, the birth mother, feel similarly resolved to go...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Oct 15, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
It’s hard even to know where to begin. Maybe, I’ll begin as the lights went up just after the Laramie Project, Ten Years Later: An Epilogue at Northampton’s Academy of Music Theatre ended. Lucien, my eleven year-old declared, “My favorite part...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Oct 17, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Hang a clothesline. That sounds simple enough, right? Electric clothes dryers comprise at least six percent of household energy consumption. An article in last week’s New York Times reveals that the seemingly simple clothesline isn’t necessarily without...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Oct 20, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
There are three kinds of autumn days I find most poignant: those chilled blowy days when leaves are swirling and I feel tossed around as those wisps of color; cloudy days when grey sky offsets jewel colored leaves all the more brilliantly as if from darkness the...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Oct 22, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Last week, Saskia and I went to the co-op. Please don’t imagine cute little toddler girl with a neat ponytail atop her head sitting, belted in by the handy safety strap on each cart, in the shopping cart. Instead, imagine cute little toddler girl, hair long and...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Oct 25, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Recently, I interviewed Clark University Professor Abbie Goldberg about her new book, Lesbian and Gay Parents and Their Children: Research on the Family Life Cycle. She researched gay and lesbian families—interviews, both of parents and grown kids of gay and...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Oct 27, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
One of the saddest moments of the year (perhaps I exagerate? not so) arrived on Friday—the final farm share pick-up at Town Farm. Sad, because we’ll miss our weekly visits to the farm—we’ve enjoyed the delicious bounty and the neighborhood-y...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Oct 30, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Back when my older two sons were smaller, we tried hard to steer them toward “good” books (and “good” everything else, for that matter). While occasionally a Disney treatment of a classic story would wander into the house, for the most part, we...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Nov 1, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
I may not love electoral politics (I don’t like ‘em much at all) but I love to vote. Every time I push open the heavy doors at Smith Vocational High School and walk down the short hallway to our makeshift polling place, I get butterflies in my stomach. I...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Nov 3, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
When George Markham died last weekend, surrounded by close friends and his wife of 40 years, Arky, people were gathered around, loving George with their presence—and talking politics. Lisa Baskin, his dear friend (and my mother-in-law) said, “He would have...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Nov 6, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Write a short story, Lucien’s sixth grade assignment goes. Elements needed to make a story work, Lucien is told include narrative, character development, place, and conflict. Lucien can set the scene. He can make up a story, as in this happens then this then...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Nov 8, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
It wasn’t that I was surprised about Maine voters banning gay marriage. Although I knew that thirty other votes on the issue had gone against gay marriage and that conservatives bent upon “preserving” marriage (as in, heterosexual marriage) poured...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Nov 11, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Dozing off last night, I caught the headline on the New York Times’ webpage announcing the health care bill had passed in the House. Sweet dreams are made of this, right? Well, I woke find the health care glass isn’t entirely half-full. What it took to get...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Nov 13, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
It would seem that I’ve told my story of getting an abortion at seventeen about a thousand times (well, not that many, but plenty). To date, I’ve written about the experience, spoken about it publically (at Speak Outs–Breaking Silences about...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Nov 15, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
At Sunnyside Childcare Center, where Saskia spends three (cheery paint-and-playground-and-peer-filled) mornings each week, there’s a whole curriculum called Second Step covered across the different classrooms. Remy, now seven, also went to Sunnyside, and so I...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Nov 17, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Last night, at around ten, the power went out. I did what any exhausted person would logically do: I put the computer down, sunk under the covers, and let the terrified eleven year-old into my bed. All the windows in the houses nearby that were normally illuminated at...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Nov 20, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Do you like pie? If you live in the Pioneer Valley, you are in luck. For the very last year of the Food Bank Farm—as locals know, an institution; if you live elsewhere, click, read, (click both, two part interview) be awed, as we are here—its famous...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Nov 22, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
A couple of nights ago, I was walking home right around dinnertime. Winter night sensation: the air almost liquid in its thinness, so sleek. Cold scent, breath made clouds, body moved faster to cut through the space between warm building and the next warm building....
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Nov 24, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
In the season of Thanksgiving, as the Senate agrees to debate health care reform, I think we should be looking at hunger—and its implications, in regards to this health care debate (fingers crossed, not debacle). Consider this very sobering news: more Americans...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Nov 29, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Recently, my cousin, Jon, sent a photograph around to family members of our grandfather, Albert Werthan perched—sitting’s too casual a word, really—at a picnic table, impeccably dressed in a blue suit despite his surroundings, pipe in mouth, and...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Dec 2, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
In these anxious times—environmentally precarious, economically challenging, politically fraught—there is little—maybe not any thing—that seems to go unexamined and un-fretted over. And this includes shopping. The pressure is amped up during...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Dec 4, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Most of the time in my adult life as parent, writer, and Western Massachusetts resident, I am aware of being a daughter in relatively adult ways: I love checking in with my mother, catching up, sharing news. There is a sense of kinship and more importantly, of...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Dec 6, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." -Martin Luther King, Jr. Sometimes, ideals or beliefs are discounted as being too “naïve,” and without regard for real-world concerns. This week, that’s a tension I keep...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Dec 9, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
Yesterday, in my relatively little town (population, about 30,000), over 4,100 people showed up on a cold December morning to walk or run—two mile walk, five kilometer run—in support of Safe Passage, an agency that runs a shelter for women and children,...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Dec 11, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
I awoke—once around four, then again at six—to the purple-tinged darkness that is a snowstorm in action in the night. The snow is laying down a soft blanket (before the threatened sleet and ice and rain later on). It was exceedingly quiet, even muffled and...
by Sarah Werthan Buttenwieser | Dec 13, 2009 | Standing In The Shadows
There are those days, as a parent, when stir crazy applies. Sometimes, on those days, you can just get up and out and go or do and sometimes, you can’t. Every once in a while, those days coincide with my having just barely enough energy—or someone else in...