Sez here the godless democrats are pushing a pot of ethics reforms. Now, i am not the canniest fellow in the cannery, but it is not like something like ethics reforms has to be hard, especially when nobody really needs their ethics reformed except politicans. Anyways, if you want results with these reforms, here is how you do it:

Make them folks in congress dress like those NASCAR fellows. They shld wear jumpsuits with patches for all their sponsors. bigger the patch, bigger the sponsor. They dont even have to wear helmets unless they want to.

Do that, and you can never mind abt lobbyiests and K street and campaign reform and all that hullaballoo. I mean, it aint got to always be so hard to fix things, even in washington. Jumpsuits and patches. that is all you need.

I got to go down the basement and check the dryer now. Dody says a big garter snake climbed all up inside the warm parts and that is why the clothes smell the way they do. I had been wondering abt that, but it is the kind of smell you just eventually get used to.