wolfs in New Hampshire

Lot of talk about this new wolf reintroduction program in New Hampshire. Not sure I’m for it, really. Wolfs tend to eat sheep. I don’t have any sheep, but I know folks what do. Mainly, I’m thinking that wolfs can swim across the river into Vermont....

that damn librarian

There is this one librarian with a pegleg who says I owe six dollars for a book I took out last year. Some book about building rockets or some such thing. I never took that book out. And this librarian tells me i can’t use the internets until i either pay the...

that damn trevor banks wisconsin

see i got someone writing to me about them wolfs. a mister trevor banks wisconsin. Well here’s something for you, Mr. Wisonscin: we don’t call them cougars. We call them catamounts. And theres no such thing as that program, except for one guy from the...

Supported by our members

Now, I don’t listen all that much to the radio. But I did happen to get into my truck the other day after Jake borrowed it, and he not only had left the wipers on but he also had it tuned full blast to that NPR station. Which I don’t mind so much, except...